1. Shun anger, let go of pride, break out of every shackle. Whoever is not tied to possessions, clinging neither to body nor mind. is never in bondage.
2. Whoever controls his anger is like a true charioteer, in command of the rolling chariot and not just holding on the reins.
3. Where there is anger, apply loving kindness. Where there is evil, offer good. Where there is stinginess, be generous. Where there are lies, be truthful.
4. Speak the truth, control anger. Share even from your meager store. These three steps lead to the presence of the "Shining Ones."
5. The wise ones who do no harm, ever restrained in body, word and mind, come to the place of peace where they will sorrow no more.
6. The vigilant, who follow the way day and night, who are wholly intent upon nirvana, their mental intoxicants come to and end.
7. This, O Atula, has been going on through the ages. They criticize the silent ones. They criticize the talkative ones. They criticize the moderate ones. There is no one in the world who escapes criticism.
8. There never was and never will be, nor is there now, the wholly criticized or the wholly approved.
9. Whom the discriminating praise as behaving impeccably in life, displaying wisdom, insight, and virtue, who is like a coin of pure gold. He is praised even by Brahma.
10. Avoid rash action. Be restrained in action. Giving up wrong deeds, exercise right action.
11. Avoid rash speech. Be restrained in speech. Giving up wrong speech, exercise right speech.
12. Avoid mental agitation. Be restrained in mind. Giving up wrong thoughts, think good thoughts.
13. Those who practice restraint in body, word, and mind are surely in control of themselves.
1. If a man holds himself in high esteem, let him be vigilant, a careful observer, day and night, during any of the three watches of life.
2. First one must establish one’s own high moral principles, then preach to others. There can be no gap in credibility, and no disgrace.
3. Let one mold himself in accordance with the precepts he teaches. Very difficult it is to restrain oneself.
4. Only the self shelters the self. What shelter could there be outside the self? With oneself thoroughly tamed, one gains a shelter rare.
5. As a diamond bores a softer gem, so does the evil committed by a fool crush the doer.
6. As a strangling vine chokes a tree, so does a person’s unwholesome action destroy him, to the delight of his enemy.
7. Unwholesome action, hurting self, comes easily. Wholesome action, healing self, takes effort.
8. A foolish man clings to wrong views, mocks the teachings of the righteous. Such a person reaps what he sows, inviting ruin and destruction like the fruit-bearing bamboo tree.
9. By oneself is evil done, by oneself is one made impure. By oneself is evil undone, by oneself is one made pure. Each one is responsible for purity and impurity. No one can cleanse another.
10. One should not neglect one’s own moral good for the sake of another’s. Learn first before teaching others. Let each one embrace his own truth and devote himself to its fulfillment.
More notes and comments are in process of being posted..............................